• Donations are managed through corporate and local donation committees. Local donation committees are established for Canada, USA, Mexico, Austria, Finland, and for other regions in which BRP has facilities.

    Sponsorships are managed by each brand, according to their annual positioning strategies and corporate sponsorship requests are evaluated by the Corporate Donation Committee. 

  • For donations, BRP focuses on three core funding areas: Education, Health, and Community development. Please read the Policy on brp.com to know more about specific objectives for each area.

    For sponsorships, requests are evaluated based on each brand’s marketing strategies.

  • BRP does not provide funding for : 

    • Tours, expeditions, travel or accommodation for a group or an individual in a fundraising context.
    • Organizations that may pose an ethical, cultural, safety or environmental risk, or other conflict with BRP’s mission, vision, priorities, core values or leadership attributes, or go against the advancement of the goals and objectives of the company;
    • Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, gender, disability, religion, nationality or sexual orientation, or other, as prohibited by law;
    • Religious activities, initiatives or programs;
    • Organizations associated with tobacco, the production or distribution of alcohol, the production, distribution or promotion of firearms, gambling, or any organization or initiatives that have a potential detrimental effect on health and welfare; and
    • Political parties, organizations or politically related events.
  • All sponsorship requests are evaluated based on each product brand’s annual marketing priorities and the following elements will be considered:

    • Theme and purpose of the program
    • Amount and/or vehicles requested for use, displays or giveaways
    • Media promotion opportunity
    • Scope of the project (audiences, geographic area, impact on the community)
    • Local dealer collaboration
  • You can submit a request at anytime. All projects are evaluated during Donations Committee meetings. Make sure to present your project at least 3 months before the start date and allow at least 8 weeks for a response.